FREE 35-page eBook

TRY Equine Hanna Somatics®

The 3 Somatic Exercises that help a horse relax 75+ muscles, be more present and connect to you on a nervous-system level, (in minutes) without doing any strengthening, stretching or manual manipulation.


EHS is the missing link to understanding POSTURE and working WITH a horse's brain vs. working ON a horse's body...

Address tension and crookedness at the Root

Learn how the brain controls muscles, habits and muscle memory to get straight to the root cause of tension and crookedness so you can fix it... when manual manipulation and temporary results just aren't your jam.

Become your own

'Equine Bodyworker'

Three easy and reliable Somatic Exercises to reduce tension and stiffness in your horses body so they can easily bend, flex and engage with you and their environment. (SPOILER ALERT: this isn't actually 'bodywork')

Connect with your horse on a Nervous System level

The simple approach that builds stronger relationships by inviting horses to participate voluntarily, automatically offering more respect and choices to your horse.

Get Proven Results

  • Help your horse relax anytime and anywhere by rapidly reducing tension in more than 75 different muscles, naturally.

  • Keep your horse feeling limber and younger by freeing them from stiff muscles & old habits that are restricting your horses movement.

  • Start every ride in a place of calm connection and harmony (making it that much easier to ask the right questions, and for your horse to happily answer 'Yes!')

+ BONUS PRINTABLES with your PDF eBook:

Get a 1-page 'cheat sheet' and printable Session Journal

that makes it easy to take notes, keep records and refer to the principles while you're with your horse.

Who am I, and why should you listen to me???

It's a great question, I'm so glad you asked!

My name is Alissa Mayer. I’m a certified Equine Hanna Somatics® (EHS) Educator, horse trainer and connection-building specialist, creator of A Somatic Approach to Horsemanship™ and the Feel-Embodied System™ and the founder of the Association for Equine Hanna Somatics Education. Whew!

I’ve worked hands-on with thousands of horses and riders all over the US, in Canada, Hawaii and at least 7 EU countries so far, and I have amazing online students all over the world.

For almost a decade now I’ve been co-teaching the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Certification Program with Eleanor Criswell Hanna, creator of EHS and co-creator of Hanna Somatics (for humans). Before that I was probably a lot like you, a multi-passionate equestrian doing and learning everything possible to handle my challenging horse, to ‘rehab’ rescues and help riders learn to be better, but not always succeeding…

After all those years teaching riders who were stuck, stiff and in pain, helping horses who were stiff, crooked and lame, and being told myself by nearly everyone in the horse world that it was definitely going to take a whole lifetime to learn feel, develop a great seat or to really understand horses… I realized something.

I realized that the core issue causing all these problems is the same for all of us - horses and humans alike - it’s the chronic tension, restricted range-of-motion and lack of body-awareness caused by Motor-Sensory Amnesia that is keeping our Nervous Systems from self-regulating and functioning as well as they are designed to do.

So I stopped teaching riding technique, horsemanship and fitness. I stopped training horses for people and troubleshooting behavior issues because these are all just symptoms. Instead I started taking everyone off their horses and teaching them how to reverse their chronic tension before ever going out to their horse, and also started encouraging everyone to learn the basics of how to help their horse do the same thing (that's what's in this ebook!).

Since then, I’ve spent the most productive and satisfying years in my horse career helping horses and riders live their dreams.

My dream is for every horse owner to become their own EHS practitioner so you can be empowered to literally take a hand in your horses health and well-being, and reap the benefits of a happier, more sound horse and a more deeply connected and satisfying horse-human relationship.

That's what I want for you, and I know that EHS is the missing link to you getting there faster and farther so you can start living your wildest horse-dreams right NOW!

Grab your (free) Equine Somatics Quick-Start eBook now!

"The human-horse relationship is by nature somatic: It is the integration of two minds and two bodies, the mind and body of the rider and the mind and body of the horse."

- Eleanor Criswell Hanna Ed.D, Creator of Equine Hanna Somatics®

©2025 Alissa Mayer, Criswell & Mayer Productions LLC & the Association for Equine Hanna Somatics® Education. All rights reserved.